Welcome to the Transition Assessment and Goal Generator Website! Both TAGG-High School (previously TAGG) and TAGG-Alternate are available for use. All assessment items are derived from research identified student behaviors associated with post high school success, focused on employment and further education. The TAGG provides a norm-based graphic profile, present level of performance statement, lists of strengths and needs, and suggested IEP annual transition goals.
TAGG-A is designed for students in high school (9th – 12th grade, 18+ programs) who do not anticipate either competitive employment of regular admission into post-secondary education options.
Students with disabilities who are primarily educated on alternative education standards should take the TAGG-A.
We are excited to announce we are currently in development of TAGG-MS. TAGG-MS is designed for students in middle school/junior high and centered on the non-academic skills associated with high school success. TAGG-MS is the perfect start to developing the transition portion of the IEP.
Field Test 1 for TAGG-MS is estimated to start in Spring 2023.
TAGG DEMO Credit is available to preview the TAGG and to use for professional development or training purposes. Click “Obtain the TAGG” in the top banner, complete the Sign-Up form, and click “Yes” to create a Demo account. One TAGG DEMO credit will be added to your account. DO NOT use this DEMO account to assess students! This data will be periodically deleted and you will not have guaranteed access to the student profiles. Email TAGG@ou.edu to request that your account be converted to a Paid account when you are ready to purchase TAGG credits to use with students.
Professors or graduate students who want to use the TAGG in college courses or in non-funded research studies can obtain free TAGG DEMO account access by emailing TAGG@ou.edu with the number of TAGG sets needed, a brief description of your intended use, and description of your role at the college or university. In return, we simply ask that feedback regarding TAGG use or a summary of data results be sent to us to assist with future TAGG revisions
TAGG-High School was supported, in whole or in part, by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant #R324A100246 to the University of Oklahoma.
TAGG-Alternate was supported, in whole or in part, by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant #R324A160160 to the University of Oklahoma.
TAGG-Middle School is supported, in whole or in part, by the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, through Grant #R324A210143 to the University of Oklahoma.
The contents of this Website (and the TAGG assessment suite) do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government.